CCI Vancouver has organized a free strata educational webinar on Mental Health in Condos - September 22, 2020
This is a CCI Vancouver chapter seminar held in conjunction with the CCI National Spring Conference, hosted in Vancouver this year. Also in attendance at this event will be a number of condominium professionals and experts from across the entire country. May 28, 2016
CCI Vancouver has organized a strata educational seminar on Nominations, Elections and Meeting Minutes in Strata Corporations on April 21, 2016.
A Strata Educational Opportunity Provided by CCI Vancouver for Strata Council Members & Strata Owners on February 20, 2016
CCI Vancouver has organized a strata educational seminar on Responsibilities and the Strata Council's Role - January 21, 2016
CCI Vancouver has organized a strata educational seminar on how to deal with smoking issues at your strata - November 12, 2015
At this CCI Vancouver seminar you can learn from a panel of industry experts and get valuable knowledge on the most efficient way to handle strata insurance claims - September 19, 2015
A Strata Educational Seminar Organized by CCI Vancouver on reducing and resolving conflict at your strata - June 25, 2015
A Strata Educational Opportunity Provided by CCI Vancouver for Strata Council Members & Strata Owners on May 9, 2015.
Evening Strata Educational Seminar on Tuesday, April 14, 2015. Shannon Salter, the Chair of the Civil Resolution Tribunal, is an excellent speaker and will be providing an overview of how the tribunal can help your strata resolve disputes. This is your opportunity to learn how the process will work before owners start filing claims with the tribunal.
Contracts for Major Projects & Selecting a Contractor/Consultant - This seminar will remove the mysteries around major projects giving strata council members confidence to move their projects forward.
At this informative seminar you can learn about proactive steps your strata can take to control premiums and all is involved in a claim process.
There is a great upcoming strata educational opportunity organized by CCI Vancouver on three topics including: 1.Mandatory Composting for Your Strata - Get the facts and tips to make the implementation easier. 2.Budgeting & Depreciation Report - Learn all you need to know to prepare a functional budget for implementing Depreciation Report and doing maintenance/repairs effectively in your strata. 3.Legal Updates - Learn about the recent decisions that may affect your strata. September 20, 2014 from 8:30 AM to 12:00 PM. Click on the title to read more
CCI Vancouver is organizing a lively interactive presentation on proxies and voting at strata AGMs on Saturday, May 31, 2014 from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM.
Strata 101 is currently offered by The Canadian Condominium Institute (CCI Vancouver chapter) through Vancouver Community College (VCC) at the downtown campus during 8 evenings (6:00 to 9:00 pm) on Thursdays from May 1 to June 19, 2014.
This is another strata educational seminar offered by Condominium Home Owners’ Association of British Columbia (CHOA) in Spring 2014.
Bylaws: From Beginning to end - An overview of bylaws, their creation, an examination of certain types of bylaws, and enforcement.
Strata Depreciation Reports: A strata educational seminar organized by CCI Vancouver for Strata Owners and Strata Council Members
The Musical Ride provides Canadians, from coast to coast, with the opportunity to experience part of our heritage and national identity. Admission and public parking are both free, however, donation boxes will be set up on the grounds to collect funds for the Canadian Cancer Society through the Cops for Cancer Tour de Coast Campaign.
Strata Dispute Resolution 101: A strata educational seminar offered by CCI Vancouver (Canadian Condominium Institute Vancouver chapter)